Ray Chat


Chat Regulars
Chat Logs



The Internet Ray Chat.

That's how we like to call the chats. 

Ray Cokes himself is present at nearly every chat, so this is your big chance to get to talk to the sexgod himself!!! How many other celebrities do you know that take time out to talk to their fans on a monthly basis? Ray does, cause he cares!

We have a group of regulars (are you regular?) that come to every chat, but we are always happy to see new people, so please come join us! If you want to know a bit about the regular chatters just follow the link on the left side of your screen. There you can also find a link to a page containing logs from previous chats.

How to join... 

The Ray Cokes Chat is run via IRC. We have chosen to run the chats via Undernet in a channel called #rayroom. The official chat is open at least one Sunday every month from 21:00 CET till midnight or on other special occasions which will be published here. Check out our main page for the exact dates.

Using your browser:

For those not able to reach our chat server via the IRC, we have set up a java chat client (for example, if you're at a university campus which does not support the IRC protocol). So if you want to join in the fun, without installing IRC, you can now go to our browser chat page.

Using IRC:

For expecienced IRC users:

You can use your normal IRC client such as mIRC or Pirch or whichever you might prefer. (If you use Microsoft Chat please turn off the cartoon feature).

All you need to do is to connect to an Undernet server and join #rayroom

You can get mIRC here.


All members of the Yahoo! Ray Cokes Online Club will also get a notification via email. If you are not already a member, hurry up and join the club!

Please feel free to contact us should you encounter any problems.

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This page has last been updated: 21-05-01

© Copyright 2000-2001 Ray Cokes Online (RCOL). All rights reserved. 
Feel free to contact The Ray Cokes Online Team
  if you have any comments or questions regarding this site.